Conducting quantitative and qualitative image data analysis is extremely time consuming and requires expertise and expensive software. Save time and money by contracting your image analysis out to Jeffery Consulting. Jeffery Consulting provides image analysis services to both industry and academia for virtually all research imaging data. Our team has extensive experience quantifying PET, SPECT, CT and optical imaging data. After a brief consultation meeting to discuss study logistics, your image data is confidentially shared with us and then we’ll take care of the rest. In a short turnaround time, your team will receive a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative report composed of summarized graphs and presentation worthy reconstructed images. We follow in-house developed protocols based on our experience as imaging and biomedical imaging physics experts, and we further often employ blinded techniques and de-identifiers in order to minimize subjectivity of the results. See the below example of a longitudinal PET study of a single animal interrogating the distribution of an investigational new drug for a US-based biotech company.